Grandma Cyd’s Pandora Station

HPZ is only on the air two hours a week. While you’re waiting for the next broadcast,
click over to Grandma Cyd’s Pandora station

Pandora logoDirect URL (copy and paste):


You will need a Pandora account to play Grandma Cyd’s Pandora station.

Unless you’re a Pandora One subscriber, this station contains commercial announcements. The products and services advertised are not endorsed by Grandma Cyd, WSUM, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.

Because Grandma Cyd is not behind the algorithms that put the playlists together, there may be songs and artists that inexplicably pop up (hi, Alan Jackson, we’re talking about you). If you don’t like something, just give it the ol’ “thumbs down.”